
Showing posts from February, 2025

National Tell a Fairy Tale Day Is Back with Two Exciting Parties!

Every year on February 26th, some of the most talented fairy tale authors in the world get together to share games, promotions, and free books in honor of National Tell a Fairy Tale Day . This year, not only has Brittany Fichter launched her annual Once Upon 2025  celebration again with a large group of authors, but Callie Thomas  has also gotten in on the fun as well with a fairy tale adventure of her own. Due to the number of authors involved, these online parties can be a bit time-consuming if you wish to participate in every event. It's especially challenging for those of us with full-time jobs or other commitments because the games and freebies tend to vanish after National Fairy Tale Day is over. For that reason, it's a good idea to plan for this day ahead of time and start early so you don't miss out on the fun.  It's too bad it doesn't take place on a weekend! This year, I decided to start my morning with Callie Thomas's Fairy Tale Adventure  because i...

Cursed Princess Club Teaches Us That Not All Princess Must Fit the Mold!

Cursed Princess Club  is a webtoon comic that was later converted into an "unscrolled" series of graphic novels . Although the series was completed recently, I have only read the first two graphic novels, which cover about half the story. Still, I'd like to make a post about it because I found this series incredibly uplifting for princess fans who feel they don't fit the mold. It's full of humor, bright pastel aesthetics, and surprising antics. The main character is similar to Emily from Corpse Bride  in the respect that she sees herself as feminine and princess-like and is surprised when others don't due to her unusual appearance. She was brought up by a loving family who sheltered her and her two sisters, who fit a more generic princess mold with their blue eyes and pale hair. It's a story about staying true to yourself despite how others see you and subverting expectations. Princess Gwendolyn's life in the Pastel Kingdom is turned upside-down when h...

Review: Ties of Starlight

Ties of Starlight  by Celeste Baxendell  is the first ARC I've had the pleasure of reading from the upcoming Tethered Hearts series . This multi-author series features romantasy plots about couples who are brought together through magical bonds. I am fortunate enough to be on the street team for these riveting stories by many of my favorite authors. The first book will be released on March 7th, and the one I am reviewing here will come out the following week on March 14th. This book follows Celeste Baxendell's typical writing style  of couples who face terrible obstacles that test their love until they realize how much they need each other to be happy. Although I haven't read the other Tethered Hearts books yet, this will probably be one of the darker ones in the series. It is the first book that Celeste has written about elves, which she plans to expand into other books that take place in this new fantasy setting. Idonea is a half-elf who was chosen to become part o...

Review: Enchanting Fate

Enchanting Fate  by Ashley Evercott  is a twisted retelling of "Beauty and the Beast"  in which the girl destined to break the beast's spell falls in love with one of the other cursed residents of the castle. It is the first book in the Fairy Tales of Gallia series, which is likely to contain other twists on popular stories. Fractured fairy tales are a popular niche , and I'll admit this was a concept I hadn't seen before in a retelling. The characters' motivations are clear, and their struggles are understandable. However, the solution to their problem seems so obvious that some chapters are frustrating to get through. I just wanted to see everyone live out their happy ending with their true love and stop obsessing so much over a misunderstood solution to the curse. Marguerite is the daughter of a merchant whose business is about to go under. To restore her family's legacy, she must marry a wealthy nobleman who she doesn't particularly care for. Howev...

Ten Screen-Accurate Fairy Tale Adaptations that Weren't Made by Disney

Disney was once famous for producing the most screen-accurate adaptations of well-known fairy tales, but their mission has strayed in recent years . Their current fairy tales are either soulless remakes of their animated classics  or stories that shy so far from the original source material that they can barely be considered adaptations. Nowadays, if you want to see classic stories from the past  brought to life on screen, you must turn to other studios. In a way, this post is the opposite of my "Ten Alternatives to Disney's Live-Action Remakes"  since that was a list of movies that were more creative and original with their ideas, and these are movies that stick as close to the source as possible. If you want to see the stories from your childhood brought to life on screen, this is the post for you. Rodgers and Hammerstein's Cinderella (1957) Disney produced a beautiful remake of Rodgers and Hammerstein's Cinderella  starring Brandy in 1997, but the first produc...