Review: Song of Vines (Singer Tales)

Song of Vines is the thrilling finale of the Singer Tales series by Deborah Grace White . With an inspired gender-bent retelling of "Jack and the Beanstalk," a star-crossed romance, magical mishaps, and a big reunion of familiar faces, this book hits all the right notes to bring the series to an exciting crescendo. I enjoyed this book a lot more than its prequel, Song of Trails , which felt off compared to the other Singer Tales stories. The heroine in this book is particularly relatable to Millenials as a curious and hopeful young lady who has fallen on hard times financially. Song of Vines manages to bring together the events that took place in all the other books and wraps up the intricate world of elves, giants, and song magic that has been expertly woven into the DNA of the Singer Tales. Jacinta has fallen on hard times after her parents lost their esteemed jobs at the castle before her father's passing. Gone are the carefree days of her childhood when she w...