Review: Princess of Midnight

Did you know that this past Wednesday was National Tell a Fairy Tale Day ? That means this is a big week for sales on princess books ! I celebrated the joyous occasion by attending another Facebook party with many talented authors . Among those authors, Lucy Tempest released her latest book in the Fairy Tales of Folkshore series promptly time for the holiday. As the newest and shiniest release, Princess of Midnight was the first book I read in honor of National Fairy Tale Day. I had mixed feelings about Lucy Tempest's Thief of Cahraman trilogy and Beast / Beauty of Rosemead duology, so I wasn't sure what to expect from this reimagining of "Cinderella" and the "The Snow Queen." To my delight, I found that it was not only more concise than the other Folkshore novels, but also one of the best adaptations of "Cinderella" that I have ever read. Princess of Midnight tells the story of Ornella, a minor character from the other b...