Review: An Inconvenient Princess

It took a few months , but I finally got around to reading Melanie Cellier's contribution to the Entwined Tales series. It was from Melanie Cellier 's Facebook page that I first learned about Entwined Tales , a series of six fairy tale adaptations by different authors about a family who was "blessed" with the magic of the worst fairy godfather ever, Mortimer. I had read all of Melanie's other books as well as the first book in Entwined Tales, A Goose Girl by K.M. Shea , and A Little Mermaid by Aya Ling , the fifth in the series. An Inconvenient Princess by Melanie Cellier is the sixth and final book, so I've now read half the books while skipping over the middle three. The novels work just fine as stand-alone stories, so I didn't particularly feel like I was missing out on anything from the ones I haven't read. An Inconvenient Princess is an adaptation of "Rapunzel," but in this version, the long-haired heroine is more of a comedic...